If your child will be absent, please notify the school by calling 973-378-7686 by 8:15 a.m. It is also helpful to call this number if your child will be late to school.
Absences Related to Illness
Please inform the school of the nature of the illness. It is important for the school to know when there is a communicable illness so that we can notify Nurse Harrigan and take appropriate actions if necessary.
If a student is absent for two consecutive days, please contact the teacher for assignments. Homework will be ready at 3:00 p.m. on the second day, if requested by a parent.
Absences Not Related to Illness
Parents who choose to take their child out of school for personal reasons (family vacations, etc.), should understand that teachers are under no obligation to provide assignments during the period of absence from school. A note must be sent to the teacher and school secretary in advance of any planned absence advising them of the dates.
If a student is out for 10 days or more they will have to be re-registered before returning to school.
- Sunday, April 6
- Friday, April 25
- Wednesday, April 30
- Friday, May 2
Contact Us:
Clinton School PTA
27 Berkshire Road
Maplewood, NJ 07040