School Nurse Joann Harrigan, RNCSN


973-378-7686 ext.5003 


School Policies

  • No medications (prescription or over the counter) may be administered at school without a doctor’s note.
  • Fever Stay Home: If your child has a temperature of 100 or above they must stay home.
  • P.E. Doctor Notes: If your child has an injury that requires him/her to miss physical education, a note must be provided by his/her physician.
  • Dress for the Weather! We go outside for recess as often as possible so please dress your child appropriately for the weather.

Lice Prevention

  • Regularly check your child’s hair for nits and comb through it with a lice comb. Explain to your child not to share hats, combs etc. It is also helpful to keep long hair up. Lice happens; checking periodically is key.

Other Tips

  • Send in a change of clothes for our Kindergarten students. Accidents and spills happen and it helps to have a dry change of clothes available.
  • Please be sure that all contact information is up to date so that we can reach you if necessary.
  • Go over the lunch menu with your child to be sure they like what is being served. This saves a lot of disappointment.
  • Communication is key for all age groups, if your child has any special needs or concerns please share them so we can provide the best care possible during the school day.
  • The AAP recommends children receive the flu shot; please check with your pediatrician.
  • My goal is to keep all children safe and healthy while at school. Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns.






Contact Us:

Clinton School PTA

27 Berkshire Road

Maplewood, NJ 07040


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