Hello, new Clinton families!

Whether you have a little one starting Kindergarten or you just moved to town with older kids, we know the transition to a new school is a big one. We're happy you're joining our amazing Clinton community and we hope to provide all the information you need for a smooth start. 

Families can expect to receive an email from Clinton with classroom assignments just a few days before school starts. That email will include information about which door to drop off and pick up your student and what your student should bring to school each day.
A great way for new families to get to know other families is to volunteer with the PTA! We have lots of great events coming up in September and October, and we'll need help! Check out our calendar for dates to remember, and sign up for our PTA emails to learn about opportunities to get involved!


Visit the School Info page for the basics about school hours, location, contact info and more.




The Clinton School 2023-2024 Student-Parent Handbook is a great resource for all of the critical information you need to know this school year. Be sure to download it as a handy reference! 


Student-Parent Handbook


Our PTA calendar highlights Clinton-specific events, plus important district dates and holidays (don't forget to subscribe to calendar updates!). More events for 2023-2024 will be added soon! We hope you'll plan to participate in and volunteer for events such as our Ice Cream Social, Clinton School Show and more.

▪ Clinton PTA 2023-24 Calendar

The SOMSD calendar and handbook can be found on the district website. It's a good idea to check back occasionally for any amendments to the district calendar. Pro tip: Be sure to read the "fine print" for more info on elementary-specific half days and how Emergency Closing Days (i.e., Snow Days) work. 

▪ SOMSD Calendar



You'll also find a lot of great info on the South Orange & Maplewood School District website. There is so much happening district-wide in the near future – the Intentional Integration Initiative, the Long Range Facilities Plan, and, of course, updates about how the school will be structured in the fall – so take some time to get familiar with the district site and check it often. 

▪ SOMSD Website

▪ SOMSD Lunch Information And Menus 

▪ Food Service Payments


PowerSchool is your resource for your child's teacher assignments, attendance, and more. 

▪ PowerSchool





Keep up with what's happening at Clinton School!
Learn more about weekly email updates, the PTA website, Facebook groups, and who to follow on social media. 



Sign up for our email list here! You'll receive our weekly newsletter, Clinton Happenings, and additional relevant emails about our PTA events and initiatives. 


Please explore our PTA website! All the buttons in the blue menu bar above contain a wealth of info about Clinton School. Things continue to evolve for this school year, but taking a look around the site will give you a feel for a typical school day and the types of PTA events and programs we supported during the previous school years.  



Follow the Clinton PTA on Facebook to stay in the know! Once you've received confirmed enrollment at Clinton, parents and guardians can ask to join the Clinton Elementary Families Facebook group, which is a private group for current Clinton families and staff to share information, ask questions, learn more about school events and programs, and celebrate our successes.

▪ Clinton PTA Page
▪ Clinton Elementary School Families Group

In addition, there is a private Facebook group for each grade at Clinton. That's a great place to ask grade-specific questions and connect with other families in your child's class or grade. 



▪ 1st Grade
▪ 2st Grade
▪ 3nd Grade
▪ 4rd Grade
▪ 5th Grade
▪ Multiage Special Education

The South Orange & Maplewood School District is now on Facebook! Be sure to follow their page for updates and important information about the district and our community.

▪ SOMSD Page



Follow @clintonartists for a peek into the Clinton art classroom and @anywherelibrarian for library projects and updates from Jen Latimer. 






If you're looking for fresh book suggestions, check out the Summer Reading Lists from our award-winning, kid-favorite Clinton librarian, Jen Latimer. 


If you're in the market for fresh Clinton gear, there are a couple of options. We keep a small supply on-hand of our Clinton "stars" t-shirt. It's $10 and can usually be purchased at school events, like the Ice Cream Social in September. Additionally, we typically open up a limited-time, online school store twice a year. Our online store has a wider range of merchandise – tees, sweatshirts, PJs, and more – so keep an eye on your inbox later in the fall for more info about ordering. 

Students and staff celebrate Clinton Pride Day the first Friday of every month by wearing RED or their Clinton gear!



Our annual Rainbow Picture is a beloved Clinton tradition, with each grade creating a layer of the rainbow. Pro tip: Make sure you have a shirt in your child's grade color early in the year, because some colors can be a bit more panic-inducing at the last minute (purple? yellow?!). 

▪ 1st: BLUE
▪ 2nd: GREEN
▪ 3rd: YELLOW
▪ 4th: ORANGE
▪ 5th: RED 






Your day-to-day shopping can benefit the Clinton PTA! 
Learn more about how your everyday purchases can help the PTA fund programs and events that enrich our kids' school experience. 







We're happy to help!

If you're on Facebook, the Clinton Families group and the grade-specific groups are great places to ask questions. You can also email us at clintonpta@clintonelementary.org.

Welcome to the Clinton School family!






Contact Us:

Clinton School PTA

27 Berkshire Road

Maplewood, NJ 07040


Clinton PTA Email

Main Office Email

PTA Webmaster Email
