PTA Executive Board Meeting Minutes: August 2019
Clinton PTA Executive Board
Meeting Notes 7:30 p.m.,
August 22, 2019
Present: Jennifer Connors, Candice Davenport, Brian Gunther, Emilia Hallquist, Brooke
Horowitz, Jennifer Kemp, Jean Leonard, Kerith Lewis, Kelly Mortimer, Margy Nolan,
Sandy Smith, Alison Kessler-Slavin, Ambra Teague, Kali Williams
Absent: Joy Friedman, Liz Gordon, Bebe Greenberg, Kathleen Hong, Polly Kelekis,
Kristy Lynch, Renata O’Beirne, Delta Sepulveda, Mark Truscinski, Katy Walmsley
Candice moved and Margy seconded the motion to open the meeting at 6:24 p.m.
Candice moved and Kali seconded the motion to approve the June 2019 meeting
minutes. The minutes were approved.
Mrs. Pomares’ 2nd grade book of poems that the PTA helped to fund was given to the PTA
Treasurer’s Report:
Margy Nolan reported 2018-2019 school year closed with surplus. Goal is not to carry
more than a $12,000 reserve. Budget approach for 2019-2020 will be to identify
spending before targeting fundraising efforts.
Notes, changes and outstanding items include:
• Trivia line has been increased
• Book Fair may need additional funding; Kelly and Margy to discuss further
• Show line same at $12,000; Emilia to ask Show Production team if sufficient
• Credit card fee line should be discussed; Brian and Margy to discuss offline
• Individual class funds have been increased significantly. $2,000 per grade and
must be used together by all classes in that grade, otherwise, individual teachers
should solicit funds from parents for class specific projects
• Classroom supply reimbursement increased from $100 to $200; this is to account
for tissues and paper towels not being provided by the PTA
• Technology line removed
• Professional development is not in the budget and should not come from the PTA
• Field trips receipts should be submitted to the PTA before parents are asked to
contribute for field trips
• Leader-In-Me has been budget for $6,000 but not collected on the last few years;
Jen and Sandy ask Ann at their 8/28 meeting about district funding for this
Kali asked if there was a line allocated for Membership; no, but there can be. Joy
to discuss with Margy
• Everyone review their committee budget and let Margy know if any changes
need to be made before voting on the budget at the next meeting, Sept. 11th
Principal Report/Meet the New principal
Jen reported that the carpet has been removed on 1st floor; tile installation has begun
and will be finished by Saturday. One water bottle filling station has been installed in the
Is there a gardening committee? Margy to connect Jen with Kate Monagle. Jen to
identify when she would like to have a “Meet the Principal in the Garden” schedule. Jen
will connect with facilities about cleaning up weeds by blacktop, and also extending
thanks for painting the Clinton sign.
Unclear if older neighborly gentleman will continue to update the front Clinton sign.
Sandy to ask Mrs. Budhu if the gentleman has been in contact with her. If he declines,
write him a thank you note. Brian will do it long term but is out of town until school
starts. Joe Wachs can be back up for this month or Emilia volunteered.
Teacher’s Report:
Alison is preparing for the first teacher’s meeting in September. Items to share from the
PTA include:
• Field trips should be planned ASAP to be submitted to the district
• Welcome letter should include request for paper towels and tissues
• PTA has allocated grade project initiative budget of $2,000 per grade
• Individual teacher reimbursements have been increased from $100 to $200
• The PTA cannot write checks for charity initiatives that are not sponsored by the
• Back-To-School night should include ???
• All teachers should join the PTA
President’s Report:
Candice presented the draft calendar. Immediate support will be needed for the Staff
Snack on Wednesday Sept 4th and the Ice Cream Social on Friday Sept 6th. Further
discussion needed for Book Fair and community event planning and execution due to
Renata’s move and Kelly and Carmen leaving Clinton after this year. PTA should reach
out to their Clinton groups via school play dates, grade specific Facebook groups, and
class parent orientation. Detailed flyers with pictures and responsibilities for each event
should be created to inform and attract new parent participants. WHO to create flyers?
Discussion of a school scavenger hunt.
Kali to email Alison to share the Ice Cream Social date with the teachers and also to
encourage teachers to remind all parents to attend Back-To-School Night so that they
can sign up for fall conferences. Conference sign up may not yet be ready through the
new website but that is the goal.
Candice confirm date with Polly for Farmer’s Meting
May need a new auction committee chair; Candice to confirm status.
Halloween and Harvestfest were discussed but not decided which are happening this
year. Candice to follow up with Jen.
Candice motioned to approve March 20-21st for Show performance weekend and
Ambra seconded.
Candice will follow up with Sandy to confirm dates submitted to the district were
approved, and any outstanding events (i.e. NJSLA testing, Art show, K Orientation).
Next year, calendar will be submitted to district for following year before PTA adjourns.
Kali provided the Vice President’s Report:
President Emeritus Report:
Ambra reports that the supply kits were delivered. Last year there was an option to pick
up kits ahead of time or have them delivered directly to the classroom. After some
discussion, it was concluded they will only be delivered to the classroom this year.
School store will open on Back-To-School night and be available for two weeks online.
Communications Report:
Kelly Mortimer said the gmail inbox is not being monitored, and the Clinton guide
needs to be updated. She has been working with Mark to clean up content of website.
First eblast tentatively to go out this Sunday but maybe Labor Day weekend.
Fundraising Report:
Kerith Lewis is looking for the new magnets and putting them in PTA closet; Kerith will
give one to Principal Jen. Kerith, Margy discuss income might be needed. No frills up
and on website.
Cultural Arts Report:
Polly was absent.
Leader-In-Me Report:
Liz was absent.
Special Ed PTA:
Brooke reported a second K-8 supervisor has been added and the district has switched
paraprofessional vendors. The Special Needs PTA for the district (SEPAC) has created
new Facebook group for their leadership. Brooke will connect with Kelly about
including Special Ed in the PTA weekly blasts.
ELL Report:
Delta Sepulveda was absent
Webmaster Report:
Mark Truscinski was absent. Emilia will send Mark’s report. Currently everyone is
active in the website until class lists go out and everyone will have to resign in and set
up their teacers.
Highlights of new website include being able to have directories through the website, class sign ups, and book fair orders.
Parents do not have to be members of the PTA to join the website. Kali should include the link for the website with
the class parent materials.
Members at Large Report:
Candice will coordinate with Heather and Jen; then Emilia will send out???
Candice moved and Ambra seconded the motion to close the meeting at 9:04 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Emilia Hallquist
- Sunday, April 6
- Friday, April 25
- Wednesday, April 30
- Friday, May 2
Contact Us:
Clinton School PTA
27 Berkshire Road
Maplewood, NJ 07040