PTA Executive Board Meeting Minutes: December 2019

Clinton PTA Executive Board
Meeting Notes 7:30 p.m.
December 18, 2019 | Clinton Library


Present: Jennifer Connors, Candice Davenport, Emilia Hallquist, Polly Kelekis,
Heather Keller, Jean Leonard, Kerith Lewis, Kristy Lynch, Margy Nolan, Mark
Truscinski, Katy Walmsley, Kali Williams

Absent: Bebe Greenberg, Liz Gordon, Brooke Horowitz, Joy Friedman, Brian Gunther,
Kathleen Hong, Jennifer Kemp, Alison Kessler-Slavin, Kerstin Long, Kelly Mortimer,
Jess Murphy, Delta Sepulveda, Sandy Smith, Ambra Teague
Congratulations to Kristy for a successful Cookie Exchange today!

Candice moved and Margy seconded the motion to open the meeting at 7:37pm
Margy moved and Jean seconded to approve the November 2019 meeting minutes.
Treasurer’s Report:
Margy distributed an updated Income & Expense report. Nothing to discuss.
Principal’s Report:
Principal Connors thanks the PTA for the teacher holiday cookies. Pizza was delivered today to
the lunch aids, and Panera was given to the teachers for lunch. The Panera fundraiser was
effective today also. Mrs. Budhu has been out sick and the whole community has been affected by
her absence. Mindfulness Monday started right after Thanksgiving break and has been well-received

by teachers and students. Many have downloaded the Calm app, which highlights the 7
habits of successful people. The Leader and Me Tree will finished being painted tomorrow; it is
outside of Solas-Wasserman’s classroom.
Teacher’s Report:
Bebe and Alison were absent.
President’s Report:
Candice reminded the PTA that our next General Meeting is 1/22/20 at 7:30pm. The Clinton
community should be encouraged to attend and Candice suggested to Principal Connors a
Town Hall style. Topics for the General PTA meeting may include; construction and integration
update. Many may not be aware of the construction plans, and having visuals will help advertise
and support the actual meeting. The superintendent roundtable is Jan 8 th regarding Integration.

The auction theme is “Speakeasy” for the year 2020, and donations are currently being solicited.
Principal Connors should reach out to Alison and Bebe to encourage teachers to donate
auction items i.e. ice cream party, Principal for a Day.

All indoor recess items have been received, and the hula hoops, balls, and the Connect Four are
a big hit.

International Dinner will be held on February 6th in the gym. Susan Nesburg Abrams is taking
the lead but needs support from our Members-At-Large. Heather and Kristy volunteer to help;
Candice will connect them with Susan. The Board should engage families who seem alone at
the event, since this is often well attended by ELL families.
Vice President’s Report:


Kali reports from the President’s Council that the Superintendent has received good
feedback on the responses to the last few snowstorms. He will attempt to make evening
decision and is not likely to reverse it if weather changes. The district has a Twitter
presence, @SOMSDK12, and is also distributing a Newsletter, which the Superintendent is
very proud of.

The district will be holding a Spelling Bee contest, and names will be submitted early
January and will also require $240 of the PTA’s Principal’s funds.

Directory names are expected to the schools by the end of this week.

There is a need for school event photos that have more than 10 kids; more than 10 do not
need media consent forms.

Kali asked again for a separate allergy policy to link to from our website but haven’t
received anything yet.

Candice asked Principal Connors if she could investigate the actuality of our vendor
recycling, as there is a concern that the district is paying for recycling but not being done.
There was a question of the Green Team status, and it was mentioned there was a meeting
12/16 lead by AP Sandy Smith .
President Emeritus Report:
Ambra was absent.
Honorary Emeritus Report:

Jess was absent.

Membership Report:
Joy was absent but Candice reports Joy has added PTA members to the Membership Hub
Communications Report:
Jean reports the Communications team is focused on highlighting the No Frills
Fundraiser, the Auction, and the upcoming General PTA meeting/Town Hall.

Candice to provide info on MAPSO Cares food drive as Clinton is the first to host in
January. The ACHIEVE foundation dinner is also coming up.

Jean and Kelly have been working with Mark on changing over website to a blog
forma, which allows information to stay current and link from email blast. In 2020,
they will be working to clean up the links.
Fundraising Report:
Kerith reports the Panera fundraiser was today, and 20% of Panera purchased with the
specified code will be given back to Clinton. The Display My Art fundraiser is on schedule, but
Kerith will check in with Ms. Warshany and confirm. One of the Holiday Pop-Up shop vendors
sent the PTA $125 for their publicity of their event, but not all have sent checks. Katy will follow
up with Holiday Pop-Up shop vendors before the next meeting. Reminder, the No Frills
Fundraiser is open to the public. And Communications should send out another Box Tops

Cultural Arts Report:
Polly reports the next assembly on January 17th will be Dance China New York. They will have 2
performances, each 45 minutes. Polly asks for stage dimensions, and for technical support on
the day of the event. Mark will send Polly the stage dimensions and will be there to help the day
of the event. Margy will mail the check the day of the event. Polly sent a picture of the dongle
that Principal Connors obtained and will confirm it is right for their performance. The Staff should
complete the survey after the performance and review provided study guide. Polly will remind Jen
Latimer to display Chinese New Year books.


Polly reports the May event will be theatrical tied to Greek Mythology.
Community Events Report:
Kerstin was absent.
Special Ed PTA Report:
Brooke was absent but Candice shared that the multi-age group will use their field trip
money to attend program called Life Town, which offers modeling and teaching of
common life tasks and experiences.
ELL Report :
Delta was absent but Candice reports that she has offered translation services but no one has
requested her help as of yet.

Webmaster Report:
Mark reports the website is being transitioned to a blog format. The class directories have been
sent to class parents, and he will update and send out an update in a few months. The directory
is expected to launch once the district releases their information.
Members-At-Larg e Report:
Brian was absent but Candice reports he has been working with Kelly on the
Gmail Suite.

Heather reports there have only been 2 requests for school tours and neither of
them have gotten back to her to commit to a time. Most likely tours will increase
during the Spring when children are placed in Clinton. Principal Connors reports
the Child Service team gives tours to new special education students, and it would
be good to have PTA representative go along as well. Heather will email Principal
Connors about joining the tours.

Jenn Kemp was absent.
New Business:
Kali suggested streaming the January PTA General Meeting on Facebook Live.
Mark reports the existing school wifi is closed and private, and cell phone service is
spotty. But streaming could be tried, or at least, the meeting could be recorded and
uploaded later for viewing.

When is Alertist coming to Clinton? Principal Connors says Clinton is the pilot for
the program set to launch in March.

Mark reports the school show has the largest participation yet, a total of 299 student

performers and 57 students for tech. Just a reminder that individual changes cannot
be accommodated after registration closes. Meet and Greets were held this week,
and rehearsals start January 13 th , when BTB starts. There is a need for parent
volunteers to help with the tech group. The show will again ask teachers for use of
classrooms for the backstage Green Rooms. Kali suggests using Clinton alumni,
high school students, for tech support, also perhaps Miss Tapia might know if any
elementutors or Matilda (?) staff are interested or available.

Candice moved and Margy seconded the motion to close the meeting at 9:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Emilia Hallquist






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Clinton School PTA

27 Berkshire Road

Maplewood, NJ 07040


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