PTA Executive Board Meeting Minutes: September 2019

Clinton PTA Executive Board
Meeting Notes 7:30 p.m.,
September 11, 2019 | Clinton Library


Present: Jennifer Connors, Candice Davenport, Joy Friedman, Bebe Greenberg, Liz Gordon
Brian Gunther, Emilia Hallquist, Brooke Horowitz, Polly Kelekis, Jennifer Kemp, Jean
Leonard, Kerith Lewis, Kristy Lynch, Kelly Mortimer, Margy Nolan, Delta Sepulveda,
Mark Truscinski, Ambra Teague, Katy Walmsley, Kali Williams


Absent: Kathleen Hong, Alison Kessler-Slavin, Sandy Smith
Candice moved and Kali seconded the motion to open the meeting at 7:31pm

Margy moved and Kelly to approve the August 2019 meeting minutes. The minutes
were approved.
The PTA took a moment of silence in memory of 9/11.
Treasurer’s Report :
Margy Nolan distributed an updated budget. The PTA is responsible for $6k for the
Leader In Me program; therefore, Margy made the following edits to the budget, so that
the income and expense balanced out:
· No Frills fundraiser and Display My Art were increased, removed
Charleston Wrap program, added $1,200 to miscellaneous income
· Actualized BTS Afternoon Snack costs, which were lower than forecasted,
so they were reduced in the budget
· Accounted for increase of credit card fees
· Reduced teacher grants allocation, which were not used last year and
would only be used if ACHIEVE grants are not funded
· Reduced snacks for ACHIEVE, Book Fair scholarships, emergency capital
funds, office supplies, Leader in Me, recess, and whole class funds from $2,000
to $1,750

Margy motioned to approve budget, Candice and Kelly approved.


Principal’s Report:
Jen shared that Mrs. Jacobson would like to take the entire 4th grade to an orchestra
performance. However, the budget still needs to officially be approved at the October
10th PTA meeting, and also, the event may be different from a project the 4th grade
teachers may have thought of. Margy will email the 4th grade teachers and copy
Principal Connors to explain the situation. All field trip ideas have been submitted to the
district, and all should be approved at Monday’s board meeting.

Principal Connors is a tweeter! @Principalconno1

Though the gardening with the Principal event did not have a huge turnout because it
was short notice, the group that attended did a great job.

Kelly asked if Principal Connors knew when school would start for the 2020-2021 school
year, since Labor Day falls on September 7th , 2020, which is after when teachers would
return on Sept 1st but Principal Connors did not know.
Teacher Report:
Bebe Greenberg has been monitoring the repairs of the fish tank; there are new fish
coming next week and new feeding filter at no discussed cost.

The teachers were disappointed, primarily the specialists, when they heard paper
towels, tissues, and wipes were not being supplied by the PTA.

All teachers thought the Ice Cream Social went well.

Teachers don’t feel comfortable distributing SignUp Genius for conferences at BTS
night since classes are still in flux. Once classes are set, district-wide, perhaps in
October, sign ups can go out for conferences. Once classes are final,
Communications will send out a heads up to parents to be on the lookout for
conference SignUps.
President’s Report :
Candice reported the updated school calendar can be found on the shared Google
drive. The Halloween Parade and Harvestfest were in question, but Principal Connors
said in the meeting that they should be held the same as last year. Margy noted there is
$200 budget for Harvest fest.


Candice is working with Polly on developing assemblies and coordinating with Alstede
Farms for this Friday's Farmers market. Times will be 8:30-11:40am. Classes have
signed up, and Communications will post with reminder to bring reusable bag.

Fundraising meeting is planned for September 22 to discuss this year’s events,
including an auction team. Auction is April 4th . Candice suggests a “Street Fair” theme.

Remaining supplies from last year will be distributed, as needed: paper towels to the
K/1st grade classes, tissues will be distributed in the winter, Clorox wipes to Miss Liz
lunch aides, and some supplies also to the specialists.

Recruited new VP of Community Events, Kerstin Long!

The hall showcase has been updated in front of Nurse Harrigan's office.

On October 10th at 7:30pm is the general PTA meeting, which we need to market. The
agenda will include reviewing and voting on the budget as well as have people submit
questions to ask Principal Connors (like an Inside the Actor's Studio format).
Kali Williams presented the Vice President’s Report

Most classes have at least one class parent volunteer. Class parent orientation is set for
Friday, Sept 27th, 9am and at 7pm. Kali should address the need to know which
parents have ELL and may need help translating school communication.

President Counsel Report
The Superintendent has visited all schools during operation, and addressed the lack of
communication about painting over school benches and murals. He intends to restore
the benches. PowerSchool forms need updates but all forms should be filled out
regardless of fixes. ELL teachers will have computers available at BTS night to help
parents fill out their forms but parents need their access codes. Principal Connors can
obtain access codes for parents.
President Emeritus Report:
Ambra reported student supply kits were delivered with the help of many parent and
student helpers. There were no problems reported from teachers about the school kit


Since school store orders can’t be produced until 10/21, the store will open in October.
At the October 10th PTA meeting, the store opening will be announced and merchandise
samples will be available.
Honorary Emeritus Report:
Liz Gordon This will be the 5th year of Trivia Night. St. Joe’s is not available and The
Knights of Columbus doesn’t have any October Fridays available. The Board feels the
best option is 11/15, and the venue has already confirmed.

Liz will meet with the Lighthouse Team and report back to Candice regarding Leader in
Membership Report:
Joy shared that in an effort to move away from Venmo, PayPal, and Google Forms, the
Membership team has been pushing sign ups through the website via classroom flyers.
They will also encourage people to sign up at BTS and at the Book Fair.

The PTA has dashboard access on the website to see forms, members, and volunteers.
Joy to work Mark or Margy help run membership reports from the website.
Communications Report:
Kelly will send out communication regarding the Farmer’s Market, reminding parents to
send in reusable bags, and request help at the event. Polly will reach out to RSVPs
from Facebook event to see if they intend to help at the Farmer’s Market.

The Book Fair still needs main dishes from the PTA Board. Serving size should be for 6
or more.

Library volunteers will start being reserved soon.

Kelly will have separate conversations with; Joy about membership, Liz about Trivia
Night, Katy about Box Tops, and Kali about making sure class parents are signed up
for the right website and receiving the right communication.


Mark will hide the yearbook section until new drop boxes are ready to use, and he will
also hide the auction pages.

A PTA table will be set up at BTS night at the Book Fair, but as there isn’t internet
connection easily available in the gym, it would be hard for Joy to sign people up. Joy
will check Leah from the Y about childcare for Back to School night.
Fundraising Report:
Katy reported that fundraising efforts will be publicized at Back to School night
Box Tops has a new app for logging Box Tops, just scan your receipt and they will be
captured. Clipped Tops will still be accepted, and there no competition between classes
this time.

School pictures will be Oct 24 & 25; Katy will put a sign up for the teacher’s in the
mailroom at least a week and a half before, and let Bebe know when that goes out so
that she can inform teachers.

The auction will need more staff. Laura has written up the four roles specific roles
needed. This will be Included at BTS night. Katy will also ask past auction members
their interest in participating again.

Kerith has and will continue working with the art teacher to produce Display My Art
pieces for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.
Cultural Arts Report:
Polly reports that the Farmer’s Market is on Friday, 9/13; Heather will be the onsite

Polly is collecting assembly ideas. There has been no response from the President’s
Council of suggestions; Candice will follow up.

Assemblies should not be scheduled during the last two weeks leading up to the show.
Community Events Report:


Kerstin reports the Pumpkin Patch is scheduled for 10/19. Tickets will be sold ahead of
time, also being sold are hay bails, mums, and baked goods. Kerstin should reach out
to Judy Tu for any bake sale questions.
Special Ed PTA Report:
Brooke Horowitz reports there is a new IEP system, not 504, will be rolled out in 2020; it
is expected to be more user friendly, goal oriented, and integrate with PowerSchool.

Brooke wants to post more and become more visible to help parents connect. BTS night
may be a place where Brooke’s email could be printed on a card for easy distribution.

The first SEPAC meeting is Thursday Oct. 10th at 7:30pm.
ELL Report:
Delta has reached out to teachers to let them know about translation options for the
website. Teachers should also ask parents at BTS night about the ELL support that is

Is it possible to have a database of all languages spoken at Clinton, especially if we
become the ELL school for the district? It is challenging when parents are ELL, but the
students are not. Mark will investigate if the website can somehow capture parents
language on the family form. And Principal Connors will work with Delta to figure out
how to obtain this information.

Bebe had contacted Karen at the Parenting Center about an Arabic translator; Principal
Connors reports there is a high school teacher available for this service.

The website has a place to sign up to translate; four people have signed up to translate
but the languages are not very varied. The superintendent has said obtaining a great
variety of translators is on his list to address.
Webmaster Report:
Mark reported that everyone has updated his or her status in the MTK (Membership
Tool Kit). Mark will email via the website to those who have not yet updated and


All PTA events should be moved from SignUp Genius to the website. Mark needs 2-3
days notice for any sign ups.
Kali will ask all class parents to have all student directories compiled through the
Brian updated the front sign and reports the sign is falling apart. There may be a new
sign coming with the district improvements. Brian to ask Principal Connors about
fixing the sign. There are not a lot of letters to use, new ones on Amazon are $80.

Congratulations on the Ice Cream Social.

Jen used the new reporting form for tonight’s meeting; all report templates can be found
on the Google Drive.
New Business
Ambra reported that Mrs. Nolan’s bookcase has been moved to de clutter the front hall,
but it was not moved to an ideal spot. Perhaps it can be moved near the nurse’s office.
The communication regarding the shooting outside of Seth Boyden seemed to be
alarmist; perhaps it can be communicated to the district that notices could take a
different tone if there is no immediate danger.

Mrs. Harrigan is working on allergy policy communication.
Candice moved and Kali seconded the motion to close the meeting at 9:39pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Emilia Hallquist







Contact Us:

Clinton School PTA

27 Berkshire Road

Maplewood, NJ 07040


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