Clinton Equity & Inclusion Committee Update
Read-A-Thon 2022
Clinton Equity & Inclusion Committee Kickoff Meeting
Hello Clinton Parents!
We are starting an Equity & Inclusion committee of parents for our school community. And our first general interest kickoff meeting will be:
Wednesday Feb. 2nd at 7:30pm via Google Meet.
Or dial: (US) +1 910-745-6730 PIN: 962 295 562#
Because the work on building community and prioritizing equity is ongoing, the goal is to make this committee a regular space to bring up, discuss and work on equity and inclusion in our school and celebrate the diversity of our community.
All parents are welcome, and parents of color are specifically encouraged to attend. We will:
ASK QUESTIONS - What are your thoughts on diversity and equity in our school community - families, teachers, staff, curriculum? What's working and what could we work on?
CREATE A SPACE - This will be a parent-led space for equity and inclusion conversations, and a chance to offer your input and talent outside of our general PTA meetings.
BUILD COMMUNITY - Let's get to know each other. The pandemic has made it tough to gather with other Clinton families. We're hoping to offer regular meetings and foster a welcoming community of parents.
Hope you will join!
Clinton PTA Equity & Inclusion
Picture Retake Day
Picture Day!
Tomorrow’s (10/26) Picture Day has been rescheduled to Friday, 10/29, due to the upcoming rain!
Clinton School Picture Days will be Tuesday, October 26th and Wednesday, October 27th. (Rain date is Friday!). Pictures will be taken outside during the school day, by class. Your child's teacher will let you know which day the class is being photographed.
After Picture Day you will receive more information about ordering your portraits online!
Pumpkin Patch Pre-Order Deadline Has been extended to October 12th
Week of Respect 2021
October 4 - 8 is the 2021 Week of Respect! Please see the schedule of daily activities below.
Monday 10/04 - “We Can’t Mask Respect” Students are encouraged to wear their favorite mask.
Tuesday 10/05 - “Turn your back on Bullying” Students are encouraged to wear their shirt inside out.
Wednesday 10/06 - “Let’s keep the PEACE” Students are encouraged to wear tie-dye or peace inspired clothing.
Thursday 10/07 - “Being a Friend is no Sweat” Students are encouraged to wear their favorite sweatshirt and/or sweats.
Friday 10/08 - “CLINTON Red” Students are encouraged to wear RED for School Spirit.
Clinton's Pumpkin Patch
Mark your calendars! We are thrilled to be able to bring back Clinton's Pumpkin Patch this year!
October 23 from 11am-2pm
We will have fall crafts for the kids, apple cider, music and pumpkins of course!
Visit this link to pre-order your pumpkins and kale plants, and receive a special presale price!
Want to be involved? Sign up to volunteer HERE!
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Volunteer for Lunch & Recess!
The school needs volunteers to assist during recess and lunchtimes for the first three weeks of school. Volunteers will be asked to help monitor students along with other school staff outside for recess, and in the new outdoor area for lunch. Please note that all volunteers must be vaccinated per district policy.
Sign up to volunteer here:
Contact Us:
Clinton School PTA
27 Berkshire Road
Maplewood, NJ 07040