Call To Order:
Emilia moved to open the meeting at 8:00pm. Jennifer Kemp seconded the motion.
President’s Welcome:
Kali thanks attendees for being flexible with tonight’s meeting time change to accommodate the Parenting Center’s Zoom meeting tonight regarding Sunday’s tragedy. Kali also thanks the Board members who are leaving us this year.
Principal’s Report:
Principal Connors recognizes all the hard work Kali has put in this year, and appreciates how active the PTA has been in her two years here. She appreciates the parents of Clinton who have been supportive over the past couple of tough weeks. Police have obtained Clinton’s surveillance footage of Underhill fields and have had social workers onsite this week.
Kali mentions some kids may not show for counseling or say anything is bothering them but are also affected. Sarah Rothman asks what is the plan for using the field in the future; Principal Connors says the field will not be used before school ends and its future reopening is unclear. There is a vigil Saturday night for the victim and the Clinton staff is sending a care basket to the injured student.
For the 5th grade moving up ceremony, parents will be outside school in the front at 11:45am for a clap-out of 5th graders; 3rd and 4th graders will join outside while the other grades will clap from inside their classroom. Jess asked if siblings can join, and the administration says safety and coordination is a challenge but will think about it.
AP Correa thanks the PTA for being so involved and supportive.
Teachers’ Report:
Kate Fearon shares that has enjoyed being involved as a PTA teacher rep and looking forward to next year.
Kate Facto shares that 5th Grade Fun Day planning is going well; the legacy project will be adding to the fence at the back in addition to playing games, participating in activities, and dancing to music. There will be a 1pm YouTube live release of the virtual Moving Up ceremony at home for the parents; kids will watch it in school. Parents should send
kids with water bottles and sunscreen, maybe they will not need to bring their Chromebooks. Many virtual students will attend and need to sign COVID waiver before attending.
President’s Report:
Kali thanks everyone for allowing her to serve this year. Efforts this year were focused on connecting people and supporting the community in need. Events included Barlingual, Read-A-Thon that raised over $10,000, Trivia NIght, playground playdates, and our virtual International Dinner. She thanks everyone for their hard work.
Vice President’s Report:
Kristy is proud of the way the PTA figured out how to accomplish so much in a pandemic and thanks Kali for her calm leadership. There is a PTA playdate scheduled for tomorrow for new, returning, and leaving the PTA from 5-6pm at the Clinton playground.
New Business:
Jenn Kemp presented the 2020-2021 budget, which had slight changes from October, 2020 budget presentation. She made adjustments based on giving more to the food pantry, the lower amount raised from PTA memberships, and she was conservative with expenses but exceeded expectations on the Read-A-Thon.
Kali presented the one position that is open for approval, Vice President. The PTA only has four positions that need to be voted on; Secretary and Treasurer are stayed on and President was assumed to be voted in when Kristy was voted in for Vice President last year.
Kali moves to support Liz Gordon as VP of 2021-2022 school year. Kristy seconds the motion. Kali moves to approve the budget. Kristy seconds the motion.
Brian presented the link for the PTA and General Membership to vote. All votes were unanimous for Liz Gordon for VP, and the revised 2020-2021 budget.
A quorum was present; Kali, Kristy, Jenn Kemp, Brian, Jess, Paola, Nicole, Emilia.
Emilia motioned to close the meeting at 9:00pm. Kristy seconded the motion.
- Sunday, April 6
- Friday, April 25
- Wednesday, April 30
- Friday, May 2
Contact Us:
Clinton School PTA
27 Berkshire Road
Maplewood, NJ 07040