Emilia moved to open the meeting at 7:32pm. Jennifer seconded the motion.
President’s Welcome:
Kali announced that the purpose of the three General Meetings per year is to share current PTA events and preview what is to come. General Meetings will also now include Member Speak for members to express themselves at the end of the meeting. The General Meetings are separate from the Monthly Community meetings, which will have a specific focus like Principal or Teachers speaking.
Principal’s Report:
Principal Connors reports that Dr. Taylor will be rolling out the plan for reentry at Monday night’s school board meeting. Starting Monday, teachers can begin voluntarily teaching from Clinton with the purpose to test the WiFi and work through logistics of bringing kids back to the classroom. The teachers found out about this opportunity today.
Assistant Correa appreciates all class parents who picked up school supplies.
Teacher Reports:
Kate Fearon reports that teachers have not provided specific questions or issues for the PTA.
President’s Report:
Kali has nothing to report.
Vice President’s Report:
Kristy reports Dr. Taylor is presenting the re-entry plan on Monday’s school board. A survey will be sent soon regarding all-virtual or hybrid student preferences.
Kindergarten had their first playdate at the playground last weekend. Sign ups were required, masks and temperature checks were taken.
New Business:
Proposed Budget
Emilia confirmed we have a quorum for voting.
Jennifer shares the proposed 2020-2021 budget. The bottom line this year is $59k versus last year’s budget that was $149k. The budget is focused on supporting the students, teachers, and the garden. It is likely at the next General PTA Meeting a new budget will be presented for approval with adjusted income and expenses. There is a Book Fair scholarship available for students. Devlyn says teachers can send the ClintonBookFair an email, and she will place one order. Historically, upper grade students have been given $10 and $5 to lower grades; there is a total of $1,700 for scholarships.
18 meeting attendees unanimously approved the budget via Google Survey.
Current Membership:
Emilia reports membership is down significantly from last year. Now that students have settled into a routine, October will be a big push for Membership including multiple social media and e-blasts reminding folks to join. The PTA will highlight National PTA discounts, push for member sign up at playdates, and use creative visual representation of our current membership and membership goals.
Current Fundraising:
No Frills
Kerith reports that she and Nicole are focused on raising funds through the No Frills fundraiser. Larger fundraisers were not possible last year and will not be possible this year either. Varsity Hues will be a fall fundraiser selling Clinton gear, which makes good gifts for Christmas and grandparents.
Nicole reports the upcoming fundraising event is Barlingual; three specialty cocktails will be highlighted and ingredients will be available from the new wine store Neighborhood. The event is 8pm-10pm on Saturday, October 24th. The cost $40 per Zoom screen plus ingredients.
Kali reports Trivia Night is being discussed but details have not been finalized.
The Book Fair is not a fundraiser this year, though it typically is, because the only rewards of an online Book Fair are book vouchers for books for the library or classroom. Sales are not available until after the books ship.
Upcoming Community Builders:
Kali reports the playground play dates have been planned and another event is being planned for November.
VPs Equity and Inclusion:
Makeda reports she and Sheyna are working on an International Dinner to recognize and celebrate diversity, perhaps highlighting a specific culture or cooking demonstration around Thanksgiving. They
are working to identify with their South Mountain counterparts and recognize that Clinton is an ELL School and inclusion is key.
Special Ed PTA:
The next SEPAC meeting is November 2nd.
Member Speak:
No members spoke.
Emilia moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:20pm. Jennifer Kemp seconded the motion.
- Sunday, April 6
- Friday, April 25
- Wednesday, April 30
- Friday, May 2
Contact Us:
Clinton School PTA
27 Berkshire Road
Maplewood, NJ 07040