Summer Reading
2020 SOMSD Summer Reading Lists
These lists of summer reading suggestions were compiled by your librarians from the South Orange and Maplewood Schools and the public libraries, and are available online through the SOMSD website and the public library sites.
► Grades K-2
► All Grades
Physical copies of these books will be available soon at the public libraries & your local bookstores. Many titles from the lists are available as eBooks and/or eAudiobooks and can be accessed by clicking on the links below each book with your town’s library card. The online collections will continue to expand over the summer, so please check back often.
► Maplewood Library
► South Orange Public Library
eBook and eAudiobook Collection
Hundreds of eBooks and eAudiobooks are now available for all SOMSD students through MackinVIA. (Mrs Latimer has also added summer reading books to a list on the home page.) Books can be read on the website, or downloaded using the free MackinVIA app on a phone or tablet. Questions? Please reach out to Mrs Latimer.
► SOMSD's MackinVIA Website
► More info about MackinVIA
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We Stand Together
The Clinton PTA stands in solidarity with Black families impacted by ongoing police brutality and racism on all fronts. We are committed to doing the work necessary to ensure that the lives of our children of color and their families are valued.
We understand that combating racism and white supremacy is multifaceted and complex, and we encourage all families to start by introducing discussions with your children about race.
► Resources to explore as you consider speaking with your child and additional community support
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SOMA Shares: Lunch, books, groceries, toiletries, school and art supplies!
Lunch is still available to all district students and their siblings every weekday from 11am to 1pm at Seth Boyden Elementary School and Columbia High School. Your child does not need to be present and you can pick up from either location (and for neighbors/friends who can't go in person). In addition to lunch cooked locally, extra resources are now available to all district students and their families during lunch distribution.
The district is providing fresh produce, and there are delicious donations from Liv Breads, Artisan Bakery and Coffee Bar and Vista Hermosa Products tortillas. On Wednesdays you can also enjoy a bag with fresh harvest from the Seth Boyden Garden, Seth Boyden Shares and Rent Party. Weekday lunch and SOMA Shares extras will be available at both locations until the last day of school ... stay tuned for the SOMA Shares program to continue this summer at Maplecrest Park!
The district PTAs, HSAs, Cougar Cares, local families, Words Maplewood's Bookstore and Alomo Books, now in partnership with the Parenting Center of South Orange Maplewood School District and the Achieve Foundation of South Orange and Maplewood, are providing books and school/art supplies for all kids, to make remote schooling as productive and enriching as possible. There are also additional grocery items and toiletries available, thanks to SOMA Kids Feed Kids' awesome collection efforts!
Questions? Please email Karen Weiland about the SOMSD lunch program or SOMA Shares about the additional resources.
► More about the SOMSD Food Support Program (English / Español / Kreyòl Ayisyen)
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Principal's Update: June
Get the "Bear Facts" about what's happening at Clinton School! Mrs Connors' June newsletter including an administration team update, with more on Mindfulness Mondays and extending student leadership practices to the home with Leader in Me.
► Read the June Clinton Newsletter
Questions? Please email Principal Connors.
For an overview of the Leader in Me program at Clinton, please click here.
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2020-2021 School Supply Kits | order by 6/21
School supplies ... already?!
It's true! We don't know much about what school will look like in the fall, but we do know you can check ONE thing off your summer To Do list TODAY! School supply kits for 2020-21 are available for order right now:
1. Visit ShopTTkits
2. Enter School Account Number: 88821
3. Choose the kit for your child’s grade in September
4. Process your order
Kits will be delivered directly to your home this year (and the price includes shipping). The lists were developed by Clinton teachers and cover the basics needed in each grade. You might receive a list from your child's teacher in the fall with some additional items.
► Order 2020-21 School Supply Kits
Deadline: Sunday 6/21
Questions? Please email Ambra Teague.
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Classroom Items
SOMSD elementary teachers will have a limited opportunity to help prep the building for summer cleaning. If your child left anything of value or importance in the classroom, please email their teacher (and copy Mrs Connors) right away, and include a description of the item you're looking for. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs Connors.
► Clinton Staff Directory
► Read the full letter from the district
Please note that Miss Warshany, our Clinton art teacher, is working with the PTA on a plan to get students' art portfolios home to them. Stayed tuned for more info on Project Artwork!
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Please join us for the last Clinton Community PTA Meeting of the 2019-2020 school year. We don't know exactly what school will look like in September and we don't know how our PTA events and programs will be affected. But we do know that we'd love to hear your ideas on how our PTA can support you and your family during these unusual times, as we look ahead to next year (and present our 2020-2021 Clinton PTA Executive Board slate). Please check your email and/or the Clinton Families Facebook group for the meeting link later this week.
Thursday 6/11 @ 7:30pm
Join via Google Meet
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Display My Art
NEW! Order with free shipping 6/1 - 6/8 for Father's Day!
Art Teacher Caroline Warshany helped all Clinton students create their own masterpieces in class earlier this year, and now parents have the chance to have that artwork turned into a personalized memento with Display My Art. It's a fantastic (and easy) way to share your child's creation with friends and family. There are lots of options ranging from keepsakes to fun everyday items, like coffee mugs and mouse pads. Great for Mother's Day, Father's Day, grandparents and future holiday gifts!
"I remember doing this when I was in elementary school! I had so much fun seeing all the students create a masterpiece. I wanted to make sure they each created a unique piece that would be a memorable experience and could be displayed on an item of their choice!" - Caroline Warshany
Order by May 1st to receive free shipping directly to your home (or to multiple addresses!).
Here's how to order:
1. Find your child's personalized code in the links below (IMPORTANT: Codes have been updated for Evans' and Birardi's classes, plus a handful of other students. If you can't find your child's code, or the artwork isn't displaying, please reach out for help.)
2. Enter the code here to view products displaying your child's art.
There's also an option to submit new artwork, if you'd like to create a gift for Father's Day or another future holiday. Visit Display My Art to find out how. (Orders must be placed by May 1st to receive free shipping.)
Plus, there are loads of FREE fun art project ideas on the Display My Art site!
DEADLINE: Friday 5/1
Questions? Please email Kerith Lewis.
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Auction Update
Thank you for your incredible generosity in donating so many wonderful items for our auction. Sadly, as you know, we are not able to proceed with the event this year, and feel it would be inappropriate to actively fundraise with an online auction in the current climate. If you would like to pick up the item(s) you donated for the auction, please reach out to Stephanie Nasteff-Pilato to arrange a contact-free pick up from her porch. If you would like us to hang onto the items you donated for our next auction, you need not take any action. Thank you all for your support!
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Yearbook Orders | due by 5/29
Now taking orders for our 2019-2020 Clinton Yearbook!
Yearbooks are $22 each and are available for pre-order only. (This means they will NOT be available for sale at the end of the year, so place your order today!)
IMPORTANT: 5th Graders receive one yearbook free of charge and DO NOT need to place an order.
► Order your 2019-2020 Clinton Yearbook
Deadline: Friday 5/29
Questions? Please email Katy Walmsley.
Yearbooks will be ready in late June. Details on distribution will be communicated at a later date.
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Contact Us:
Clinton School PTA
27 Berkshire Road
Maplewood, NJ 07040