SOMA Swish will occur in the CHS gym from 12-7 pm on Sunday, April 6th. The day will consist of three basketball games:

Noon: Marshall vs Delia Bolden
2:30 pm: Tuscan vs South Mountain
5 pm: Clinton vs Seth Boyden
ALL FUNDS RAISED will benefit ALL SOMSD Elementary Schools
Come cheer on your teachers and staff! Buy a ticket for one game or for the whole day. 

Tickets will be $5 per person for one game and $12 per person for an 'all-day' pass.


Get your order in now for your SOMA Swish Swag!  Place your order here and pick it up at the game!


If you have any questions please reach out to

Item DescriptionPriceQty
 Game 1 Marshall v Bolden 12 pm - 2 pm$5.00 
 Game 2 Tuscan v South Mountain 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm$5.00 
 Game 3 Clinton v Boyden 5 pm - 7 pm$5.00 
 SOMA Swish All Day Pass$12.00