Trivia Night


Clinton Trivia Night

Friday, April 25, 2025 @ 8pm

Location:  Columbian Club of Union - 1034 Jeanette Ave, Union, NJ 07083

  • Trivia Night will consist of 8 rounds of General Trivia, with a few fun games between rounds.

  • We suggest playing in teams of 10, but will accept teams with as few as 8 players.

  • You can purchase tickets for a table of 10. Pre-sale price is $450/table until April 11th; $500/table from April 12-25th.

  • You must include your Team Name when purchasing — you'll enter it when you check out. This is how we track how many tables we will need for the event!

  • Mulligans can be purchased at the door, and can be used instead of answering a question.

  • Trivia Night is NOT a bring your own drink event! Every player will receive 2 drink tickets good for the house wine or beer. Water and soft drinks are available and there will be a cash bar for additional drinks.

  • Trivia Night IS a bring your own food/snacks/meal event.