Trivia Night

Clinton Trivia Night
Friday, April 25, 2025 @ 8pm
Location: Columbian Club of Union - 1034 Jeanette Ave, Union, NJ 07083
Trivia Night will consist of 8 rounds of General Trivia, with a few fun games between rounds.
We suggest playing in teams of 10, but will accept teams with as few as 8 players.
You can purchase tickets for a table of 10. Pre-sale price is $450/table until April 11th; $500/table from April 12-25th.
You must include your Team Name when purchasing — you'll enter it when you check out. This is how we track how many tables we will need for the event!
Mulligans can be purchased at the door, and can be used instead of answering a question.
Trivia Night is NOT a bring your own drink event! Every player will receive 2 drink tickets good for the house wine or beer. Water and soft drinks are available and there will be a cash bar for additional drinks.
Trivia Night IS a bring your own food/snacks/meal event.