Readathon Update! | through 3/2
Clinton School is full of AMAZING readers!
We've already surpassed our original Readathon goal of reading for 50,000 minutes. This week, all students will receive a Whooo's Reading bookmark to celebrate!
Our next goal is to read 200,000 minutes by our Read-In on Monday 3/2. There's still plenty of time to login to the website and help your student log their reading. Questions? Please contact Liz Gordon.
You've got something to offer!
Clinton Auction Roaring 20's Speakeasy is COMING SOON!
We've extended the deadline for donations for the silent auction through VALENTINE'S DAY, so you've got some more time to show your LOVE for Clinton School!
Do you work for a company that would donate a good or service to be auctioned for the event? Do you own a small business, provide a service, teach a class, run a workshop, make an amazing lasagna, handcraft one of a kind mittens, or...fill in the blank? Everyone has something to offer large or small! So, please share your gifts with the Clinton Community to help raise funds for our school on this special night!
Email with the following info:
▪ Item you are donating
▪ Snappy description of said item
▪ Photo of the item or of a business card/image from the business offering the service
▪ Retail Value of the item
Thank you for all of your contributions! We are looking forward to dancing the Charleston with you at the event on April 4th at The Woodland 7-11pm. Mark your calendars & schedule your sitters! Tickets go on sale on March 1st!
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Clinton Readathon 2020 | through 3/2
For all the minutes they read, questions they answer and comments they leave for their friends, students earn points. They can use the points to decorate their "owlvatar" on the website. The instructions will include information about how you can send e-mails to friends and family who might be willing to donate money to the cause – they can choose to give a flat fee or pay by the minute or hour read! All proceeds go to the Clinton PTA, which helps fund our assemblies, field trips, classroom supplies and so many other things.
Wanted: Great Auction Items
The Gala & Auction on April 4th is our BIGGEST & BEST annual FUNDRAISER, but it can't happen without generous contributions from donors like you or – better yet – the organizations where you work.
► Click here for examples of items/experiences that really bring in the high rollers on Auction Night. Browse through the list and start thinking of any hook-ups you might have that can deliver some great prizes. The more we earn, the more we can provide great programs and events that enrich our kids' school experience!
Then, when you've landed on what you'd like to contribute to the kitty, submit your donation ideas or questions to: clintonauction2020@gmail.
THANK YOU for your generosity and creativity! We can't wait to see what shows up on the bid sheets this year!
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International Dinner | 2/6
Our annual International Dinner, A TASTE OF CLINTON, is a beloved event that celebrates the rich diversity of our Clinton community. Join us for a buffet-style sampling of delicious food representing a variety of countries and cultures – all prepared by Clinton families!
Thursday 2/6, 6:30pm
Clinton Cafeteria
► Click here for more info and to RSVP
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Are you in the middle of cleaning out your house after the holiday madness? If so, the International Dinner Committee is collecting games, especially ones from different countries around the world, for our annual event on Thursday, February 6th. This year, in addition to delicious food, we will be having family crafts, music, and games to enjoy throughout the night. If you would like to donate games, please contact Kristy Lynch to arrange drop off or pick up. Thank you!
►Click here for more info about the International Dinner and to RSVP
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Clinton School Celebrates Lunar New Year
New York Chinese Cultural Center's resident touring company, Dance China NY, visited Clinton School this morning to perform their "Lion Dance Plus" routine. Students were treated to a performance of traditional Chinese folk dance. The performance brought the children on a tour of China, exploring its history and long cultural traditions.
In additional to the Lion Dance, a popular traditional dance of Lunar New Year celebrations, children were presented with the Chopstick Dance from Mongolia, the Warrior Dance in the traditional Peking Opera style, and the Red Ribbon Dance among others. A few children were also selected to go up on stage to learn parts of the Red Ribbon Dance. They learned the rainbow, firecracker, dragon and waterfall movements.
Special thanks to Polly Kelekis and the PTA for bringing this group in to begin Lunar New Year celebrations at Clinton! 新年快乐! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Here are some pictures and videos from this morning:
Join us for the second Clinton Community PTA Meeting of the 2019-2020 school year. You can find out more about the upcoming plans for breaking ground and moving things around as we prepare for the exciting facilities changes and additions starting later this year!
Wednesday 1/22, 7:30pm
Clinton Auditorium
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Clinton ❤ Our Crossing Guards!
Clinton School is our "home away from home," but the warm feeling you get doesn't just start at the Clinton front steps. Your first greeters are our neighborhood Crossing Guards! Be sure to share a little holiday cheer and warm thanks with them as we head into Winter Break (and colder temps!).
❄ Larry - Burroughs & Berkshire (front of school)
❄ Wilbert - Union & Garfield (behind school)
❄ Dorothy - Parker & Burroughs/Highland
❄ Gene - Parker & Boyden
❄ Duncan - Garfield & Radel (by Underhill Field)
❄ Pat - Prospect & Baldwin
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Fundraiser @ Panera Bread | 12/18
December 18th
Panera @ 722 Morris Turnpike in Millburn*
Pick Up or Delivery (all day):
► Enter PRFUND as the promo code when you place your order online or with the app and Panera Bread will donate a portion of the proceeds from your purchase to the Clinton PTA.
Dine In (4-8pm only):
► Print this flyer or show an electronic version to the cashier when you place your order. IMPORTANT: You must bring or show the flyer to get credit for your purchase.
* fundraiser only available at the Millburn location
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Contact Us:
Clinton School PTA
27 Berkshire Road
Maplewood, NJ 07040